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What's On in Napier

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What are you in the mood for today?

  • Enquire about interesting day trips, hikes, mountain bike trails in the area. Maps and further information are available from your hosts.

  • The world’s most beautiful beaches at Arniston, Struisbaai and L’Agulhas (the most southerly tip of Africa) …with great swimming, fishing, walking and caving!

  • The L’Agulhas Wine Triangle, stretching from Lomond Wines to Black Oystercatcher and Strandveld Wines

  • Shipwreck Museum in Bredasdorp

  • Restaurants

  • The Napier Saturday Market

  • Specialty Shops (Books, Wine, Candles, Cheese and Pottery)

Hiking & Cycling Trails from The Restio

Come and spend a weekend, or a few days, in Napier at The Restio Country Guesthouse.

Experience the spectacular natural beauty of the Southern Overberg coastal region and surrounding mountains and hike the many trails in the area!

Below is a list of some of the hiking and cycling trails in and around the area

(Maps or guides can be arranged):

The Napier Mountain Conservancy Grootberg Hiking Trail

is approximately 8 kms. The trail starts at the FM Tower on top of the mountain above Napier. It is a circular route that takes you to the top of Grootberg and then along the southern ridge of the mountain where you have views across the Strandveld to Cape Agulhas. At Soepieshoogte (a good lunch or resting point), you return to the starting point along the northern side of the mountain where you have views across the Ruêns to the Riviersonderend and Langeberg mountain ranges.

Heuningberg Nature Reserve in Bredasdorp

Offers 3 trails varying in length and challenge. These trails are also open to mountain bikers. De Mond Nature Reserve at the mouth of the Heuningnes River is a world heritage and Ramsar site. It offers 2 walking trails, one of 2 hours, the Sterna Trail 7 kms, which takes you through the dunes in a southerly direction and then back along the beach to the start. ​ The Damara Trail, De Mond to the well known coastal town of Arniston, 16.5 kms duration. You would need to arrange transportation back to De Mond to collect vehicles or have someone drop you off and collect you at Arniston. The Spookdraai Hiking Trail in L’Agulhas is an easy 2-hour trail with spectacular views of the L’Agulhas and Struisbaai coastline. From here you can also explore the most southerly tip of Africa, the L’Agulhas Lighthouse and Struisbaai harbour and beaches.

Guided Walk Introducing the Wonders of Fynbos

This is a 2-hour guided walk on the Napier Mountain where Steven Smuts introduces you to the marvels of Fynbos and the natural history of the area. This walk needs to be pre-arranged for which there is also a fee. Steven Smuts will take you on a guided walk, where you will be introduced to the wonders and uniqueness of ‘Fynbos’ as he shares his passion and knowledge. Steven will explain all about the Cape Floral Kingdom, and why is it so special. You will also learn about some of the natural history and geology of the area. The entire natural land area of planet earth has been identified as comprising just 6 floral kingdoms. The largest is almost the entire northern hemisphere with the very smallest being here at the tip of Africa, the Cape Floral Kingdom – a full floral kingdom, with the largest plant diversity. The approximately 2 hour long ‘walk and talk’ outings will have you gasping “Wow!” and “That’s so interesting” as you learn about our fynbos. Stephen will meet you here at the Restio and, after a brief introduction, will take you into the mountain above Napier to meet the amazing plants and small animals, birds etc. that call our mountain ‘home’. After the 2 hours you will know much about the soils, about the role of the ants, pollination, the role of birds, winds, and fire, plus the threat posed by alien invasive plants and perhaps climate change, and much else besides. Speak to your host, Jonno, giving at least 24 hours’ notice of wanting to take the tour. Very little fitness is required as there will be magic in every footstep. Just have good shoes, a hat and some water and you’ll be good to go, weather permitting.

Cycling in the Overberg

The village of Napier sits firmly in the middle of rural farming lands that are connected by miles of unpaved, gravel roads. Staying with us, at The Restio, you are ideally positioned to get on your bicycle and explore the region! ​ Starting your ride from the Restio Country Guesthouse, we can tailor your ride to most distances, starting with a 10 km ride or any distance up to 70 km. All rides will finish back at the Guesthouse. The gravel roads we ride on are firm and well maintained, there are no dramatic steep climbs and are suitable for riders of all ages. The roads are not suitable for road cycles so bring your gravel or mountain bike with you. Helmets are compulsory. The roads and surrounds of Napier are home to a great many birds and animals which are regularly spotted whilst travelling along them. Birds such as the Secretary bird, Denham Bustard and various raptors are commonly seen, whilst the fields are also home to a variety of bokkies, such as Springbok, Steenbok, and Grey Rhebok. Both the Cape and the Bat-eared Fox call this region home, as do the Cape and the Yellow Mongoose. Speak to your host, Jonno, to obtain maps, Strava Routes and permits (where necessary).

Guided Bird Tours around Napier & De Mond Nature Reserve

Napier Birding (Steve Peck) offers guided birding tours along the gravel roads surrounding Napier and around the De Mond Nature Reserve (just outside Bredasdorp). These Napier trips are either carried out from Steve’s own car (max 3 persons) or you can drive your own vehicle and stay in touch via two- way radio. These gravel roads and fields are home to some of the most iconic and sought after birds in the region. The Blue Crane is abundant here, with over 50% of the country’s population living and breeding in the Overberg region. The Agulhas Long billed Lark, Denham’s Bustard, Grey-winged Francolin and Karoo Korhaan can also be found. Seasonal raptors such as the Common Buzzard, Yellow-billed Kite and Black Harrier are spotted in amongst our regulars - Black-winged Kite, Rock Kestrel, Jackal Buzzard and Spotted Eagle Owl. ​ In winter when the rains fall, small dams and streams overflow producing water-logged fields and shallow pans, attracting visitors such as the Greater and Lesser Flamingo, Pied Avocet, Kingfishers and a variety of Ducks and Plovers. Napier Birding currently offers four hour guided tours around the gravel roads at a rate of R600 per person with a slight discount for more than one person. ​ De Mond Nature Reserve sits just outside Bredasdorp in the Agulhas Plains region, and tours around this reserve are best viewed between November and January. It is a magnet for vagrant birds that enjoy the shallow waters and sandbanks. Birds such as the Damara Tern, Caspian Plover and Bar-tailed Godwit can be found this time of year. The sandbanks also attract a variety of other terns and gulls such as the Arctic, Common, Caspian and Greater-crested Tern. White-fronted and Kittlitz’s Plover are resident at the reserve. South Africa’s iconic Black Oystercatcher can be found all year around, alongside Cape and Bank Cormorants, which can sometimes be seen in their thousands along the sandbanks. The reserve also offers a scenic walk-through coastal fynbos where Sunbirds, Bokmakierie, Bulbuls, etc. can be spotted. The endangered Black Harrier has made its home in the area and can be regularly seen from the reserve or along the long gravel road leading to it. This year we even had an Osprey take up residence in the area. Guided Trips around De Mond are currently R700 per person. We will meet at the reserve car park. Rates are subject to change. Steve is a well-known bird photographer and vice-chair of a local birding club. He has been guiding for over ten years in this area and has had numerous images and articles published in local and national magazines and books. Napier Birding welcomes all levels of birding experience. To check on current rates and availability or just chat about making your trip exactly what you want, call him on 081 817 3223 or e-mail


Stay tuned to keep up with local events

If you would like to advertise your own Napier event, please get in touch with us at

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